We will value your time by starting promptly and having the appropriate number of appointments for the time available. Sometimes we get behind because patients’ problems may take longer than expected. Please be patient, we are doing our best. You can help us run on time by only bringing one problem for each appointment (unless very urgent) and arriving on time. If you arrive late, we may be unable to see you because otherwise all the other patients due to be seen in that session may be made late.
If you can’t make it for your appointment, then please let us know with plenty of warning. We can use your slot for someone else. If you continually fail to turn up for appointments then we may ask you to find another doctor.
If you have requested a phone call from a clinician, please be aware that the phone call will come from an unknown/private/no caller ID number. The GP will make 2 attempts to call you, if you miss both calls you will be asked to rebook your appointment on another day.